Tulsa, OK • Paid • Closes Aug. 26
The Tulsa State State Fair Agribusiness Department is offering internship opportunities to students with Agriculture Majors during the 2024 Tulsa State Fair, September 26 - October 6. The internship will allow students to work in close association with all aspects of the Agribusiness Department. Interns will gain overall knowledge of procedures involved in hosting livestock shows including, but not limited to, daily operations, schedules, data entry, social media, photography, contest coordination, agriculture education, and customer service. The following internship positions are available:
Agricultural Education Internship
Animal Birthing Center
4-H & FFA Exhibit Displays
Promotion of Agriculture to the Public
Communications Internship
Social Media
Photography and Video
Exhibitor Interviews
Animal Move In / Barn Traffic Control
Exhibitor Credential Station
Show Ring/Contest Coordination
Show Office Internship
Exhibitor Customer Relations
Data Entry
Application Requirements
Must be motivated, capable of working independently and with others
Must be personable with exhibitors and general public both in person and via telephone
Must be a team player and flexible in daily assignments
Must be willing to work 10-12 hours per day
Must be proficient in Microsoft Excel and Word
Must be able to provide camera if interested in Communication Internship
The Tulsa State Fair will provide lodging and meals throughout the duration of the show, September 25 - October 6, 2024. Interns will be paid a daily per diem of $60 per day.
Applications are due August 26th by 5:00 p.m.
For more information and to apply, please visit https://bit.ly/24TSFInternships